Behavioral Counseling

Behavioral counseling focuses on helping you adopt a healthy mindset that aligns with your weight loss goals. When combined with nutritional guidance and prescription medications, it can optimize your chance of achieving and sustaining long-term weight loss.

Behavioral counseling is akin to the interest that accrues on your 401K. Just like small, regular contributions to your retirement fund can grow over time, small changes in your daily habits can lead to significant improvements in your health routine over time.

We recognize that successful weight loss efforts can take time. At Apex Weight Solutions, we offer lifelong behavioral counseling as part of our comprehensive weight loss program. Our approach is designed to address weight loss in a healthy and effective manner, helping you achieve and maintain a healthy weight for the long term.

Components of Behavioral Counseling

Behavioral counseling at Apex Weight Solutions focuses on addressing unhealthy eating habits and sedentary behavior through a structured approach:

  • Assessment & goal setting: We evaluate your current habits and help you set achievable goals tailored to your needs.
  • Self-monitoring: Keeping track of your own eating habits, physical activity levels, and weight loss progress helps you stay accountable and make adjustments.
  • Nutrition & physical activity: We educate you on healthy eating habits and strategies to manage cravings and emotional eating. 
  • Behavior modification: Our team works with you to identify and change unhealthy eating habits and sedentary behavior.
  • Social support: Connect with loved ones or support groups to stay motivated. 
  • Prevent relapse: Our goal is to help you achieve long-term success and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT refers to the energy that you spend during everyday activities, such as:

  • Commuting to work
  • Walking your dog
  • Taking the stairs
  • Going shopping for groceries or personal items

In simple terms, NEAT is all the energy your body uses for everyday movements that do not count as formal “workouts.” 

NEAT levels can vary significantly from person to person based on lifestyle and habits. Factors like your job, hobbies, and interests can influence the types and amounts of activities you engage in daily. As a result, the energy expended through NEAT can also vary for each person.

Increasing NEAT levels can help you burn more calories and support your overall health and fitness goals. To give yourself the best chance of achieving your weight loss goals, we recommend maintaining high NEAT levels throughout the day.

Strategies for Increasing NEAT

Our behavioral counseling sessions focus on modifying your behavioral habits to promote higher NEAT levels. This involves encouraging increased physical movement and activity throughout the day.

Strategies to increase NEAT include:

  • Walking breaks: Incorporate short walking breaks into your daily routine. Take a brief stroll around the office or neighborhood every hour to break up long periods of being sedentary.
  • Active transportation: Try walking or biking to your destination instead of driving. Alternatively, try parking farther away from your destination to add extra steps to your day.
  • Standing more: Look for opportunities to stand rather than sit during day-to-day activities like talking on the phone, watching TV, or working at a desk. 
  • Doing household chores: Do household chores, such as vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, gardening, and yard work to increase body movement and burn calories while completing necessary tasks.
  • Taking the stairs: Always take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Climbing stairs is an excellent way to engage multiple muscle groups and increase NEAT.
  • Incorporating movement during leisure time: Be intentional about being more active in your free time, whether that means taking more walks or dancing to your favorite music. Choose active pursuits, such as going for a hike or playing outdoor games.
  • Using breaks: Use your breaks wisely and see them as an opportunity to get moving. For example, you can perform simple activities like squats, lunges, or jumping jacks while watching TV.
  • Stretching regularly: Incorporate stretching breaks into your day. Stretching can be done anywhere and anytime and improves flexibility and movement. 

Behavioral Counseling for Weight Loss in Illinois

Weight loss is a long and challenging path that takes time, dedication, and the right mindset. At Apex Weight Solutions, we offer behavioral counseling as part of our weight loss program. Our services help you stay motivated and develop sustainable habits to achieve your desired weight loss goals.

Our team offers comprehensive behavioral counseling to shape your attitude and behavior. To schedule your consultation, request an appointment online or call us at 708-797-3541

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